Friday, December 16, 2011

My After


After a year of silent. finally this blog updated. haha
And lets start fresh with a new life of me. 

Alhamdullilah, I am satisfied with my achievement on losing weight this whole 2011. and Im yet sharing it with people. Umi n  abah are the one supporting me all this while. n not to forget, my gym trainer, at fitnesslifestyle.  But so u know, my friends, obviously shock looking at my changes in 6 months (April - September 2011) after a long semester break. Alhamdullilah, all my hard work, paid accordingly despite of the tears accompanied me during the training. So, i would like to share my before n after picture. 79.6 kg to 62 kg. my waist was 36 n now im 30. i cant believe i made it. =)

May 2010

Raya 2010

January 2011
September 2011

My first run race after the semester open. September 2011. 3 km run. 

p/s: i cant stop smiling until now. =) 


Syafiqah Najwa said...

serious aku jeles. aku punye effort tahan sebulan je. lepas turun 3 kilo, naik balik berkilo2. hahaha. do share your secret! aku pun nak kurus gak.. hahahaha.. :D

daniel yusof said...

haaa... sblum ko nak start komitment tuk kurus, mind set ko kna btul2 kuat n ko mmg btul2 kna ada komitment yg btul2 'komitmen'. physical tak perlu sgt tuk kurus ni.mental ko yg kna kuat dulu.

Syafiqah Najwa said...

camne nak kuatkan mental? hehehe..

daniel yusof said...

u really need a motivation..asal ko nak kurus??? aku dulu ada motivasi yg sgt kuat tuk kurus.. dgn 'sbb' itu, aku usaha walaupun hasilnya blum memuaskan lg.. =) training ak still in progress. so, nawaitu ko apa? eg, i wanna look better, or im gettin married ke. cmtu or im fed up carrying these burden. cmtu la

nurul said...

hebat :)

PutraRocker said...
