Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Terima kasih awak.


Desa Rishah.My Birthday.2.14 pm.

Wandering for cake, tapi puasa la hari ni.

p/s :  thank you ncik sampai bila2. that's way too much. haha. thanks thanks thanks n thanks.

p/s 2 :  ain, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,  thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, n thanks. cukup kan 21?? 

p/s 3 : b, dont ever to dare to think that way.

p/s 4 : dhue, a very dumb question ^_^.

p/s 5 : acap,i wont say thank you unless u say the word :p

p/s 6 : farahalina, u r late T_T.



incek.loyer said...

amende lh budak nih =)

Farahalina.Rosli said...

im not purposely doing it. saya sudah tido!!!!!! before that i was counting the hours ok!

ain farahain said...

cukup :)

ina sengaja tido woh
ak call die dulu before tuh
die x angkat
die sangat sengaja weh!!
*gelak evil*

ain farahain said...

cukup :)

ina sengaja tido woh
ak call die dulu before tuh
die x angkat
die sangat sengaja weh!!
*gelak evil*

syfadh said...

wah besday ko ke hr nie? slamt hari tue.

semoga berfikiran seperti org yang tua juga.

semoga sentiasa dlm rahmat Allah.

semoga rajen cuci pinggan dan cawan selepas digunakan.

semoga tak simpan jug/cawan/sudu/garfu kotor dalam fridge.

semoga reti susun selipar di luar.

daniel yusof said...

syed. aku tak konsider sikit pun comment ko tu.

i love to take it personally okay. sila mesej aku
