Thursday, July 8, 2010

Punched !!!


Desa Rishah, 9 July, 1.41 am

saya terbaca ni waktu blog hopping tadi...tetiba saya sentap kejap...

"give advice to someone we love is something painful than giving advice to our common friend"

dan saya masih tengah pikir rasional ayat ni and it punch my heart a bit...huhu

maknanya org yang slalu advice kita tu tak syg kita la kan, dan begitu juga sebaliknya



Raihana Azhari said...

Betul! sebab,
kalau bagi edvice to someone we love. we're basically, 96% afraid that the advice may break their heart. And the possibilities for the love one to walk away is high. Where as to a common friend, its lyke nothing. and they'll stick with us. No matter what.

daniel yusof said...

harus di igt, love tu tak semestinya awek

common friends pon boleh jd...
